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Open Reading Examples
Reading Test
You must read one sentence out of three sentences. The reading test is administered by the officer using standardized reading test forms. Once you read one of the three sentences correctly, the officer stops the reading test.
Passing the Reading Test
- Read one of the three sentences in a manner that you are able to convey the meaning of the sentence and the officer is able to understand the sentence
- Without extended pauses
- In general, you must read all content words but may omit short words or make pronunciation or intonation errors that do not interfere with the meaning
Failing the Reading Test
- If you omit a content word or substitute another word for a content word
- If you pause for extended periods of time while reading the sentence
- If you make pronunciation or intonation errors to the extent that you are not able to convey the meaning of the sentence and the officer is not able to understand the sentence
Open Writing Examples
Writing Test
You must write one sentence out of three sentences in a manner that the officer understands. The officer dictates the sentence to you using standardized writing test forms. Once you write one of the three sentences in a manner that the officer understands, the officer stops the writing test.
Passing the Writing Test
- You are able to convey the meaning of one of the three sentences to the officer
- You must not abbreviate any of the words
- Some grammatical, spelling, or capitalization errors are OK, unless the errors interfere with the meaning of the sentence and the officer is unable to understand the sentence.
- Numbers spelled out or written as digits
Failing the Writing Test
If you make the following errors to a degree that you do not convey the meaning of the sentence and the officer is not able to understand the sentence
- A different sentence or words
- An abbreviation for a dictated word
- Nothing or only one or two isolated words
- A sentence that is completely illegible